
Visit Gatteo Mare

Gatteo a Mare, the small great treasure located on the border between "water, sky and earth", discovered seventy years ago, represents an example of organization of tourist services. In its one square kilometre of extension there are 88 hotels, 30 bathing establishments, about 230 apartments for rent, plus a hundred between retailers and craft activities.

Among the attractions to visit we would like to remind the Bell Tower of Sant'Antonio Abate representing the remains of one of the most ancient churches of Gatteo, built in 1467 or maybe before, and destroyed in 1944. Annexe to the church there was a hospital then became the Congregation of Charity.

The Church of San Lorenzo rises instead around 1290 inside the complex of the castle and becomes Parish Church in 1541. In 1868-1880 starts the enlargement of the Parish Church with the construction of the side chapels and in 1917-1919 the church is completely restored with the rebuilding of the apse and the enlargement of the nave. The 10 August of every year is celebrated the Feast of San Lorenzo, patron saint of Gatteo.

The beaches of Gatteo are clean and well organized, with entertainers who will animate your days starting from muscular awakening in the morning, continuing with fun dances and karaoke, swimming courses and aqua gym, fitness and beauty contests or games of bowls, table tennis and beach-volley.

In Gatteo you can choose to live your day on the beach or exploring the entire area on a bike, often made available free of charge from the facilities. Your children can have fun in the many areas dedicated to them and scattered throughout the town, as well as in the beautiful park called Mickey Park, rich of spaces for children.

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